Saturday, January 31, 2015

Learning Theories

What are they? Well according to Wikipedia, I like their definition which stated 'Learning 

theories are conceptual frameworks describing how information is absorbed, processed, 

and retained during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences, as well 

as prior experience, all play a part in how understanding, or a world view, is acquired or 

changed, and knowledge and skills retained'. If you take time to read the following page on 

this topic, you will explore my knowledge about them before, present and what I plan to put 

them in use in future. Enjoy!

Wikipedia (2002). Learning Theory (Education). Retrieved on January 30th 2015 from: u>Reference:

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Educational Technology

In today's society, there is a vast number of tools used everywhere for the purpose of learning. Growing up I had only one tool but now I have over ten. If you take time to read the page '01 Instructional Media' it will help you understand my thoughts and opinion on how educational technology was in the past to how it is presently and some pointers on how it will affect my future teaching. Do enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Blogging is a fun, easy and meaningful way to connect and build relationships. It offers endless opportunities for reflection as well as motivation for what one experience in regards to their learning. If you take time to read the following page on "Blogging" you will learn of what I had known before and now and also will read on ideas that can be incorporated in my teaching.