Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Learning Styles Reflection

The task was given to create a one page reflection on the Instructional Media course activities and on what you have learned from watching the presentations of other teams and from discussing these ideas with your classmates. On page six (6) you will find such reflection. I trust that the information provided will be beneficial and make an impact on your learning. Happy reading!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Learning Styles

Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (Kolb, 1984, p. 38)."
And because of this, various types of learning was implemented so that pupils and we ourselves can experience such, in order to be successful individuals.
To gain more knowledge on learning processes, styles or strategies, I have included a slide presentation on a page entitled "Learning Styles". Do enjoy!

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development (Vol. 1). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.